Sunday 6 November 2011

Dear Love,

     I have so much to thank you for!
You are not a mere feeling, emotion, or gesture. You are an expression, of attachment, excitement, pleasure and peace!

You bring a smile onto every body's face. You are one thing (if you wouldn't mind me calling you a thing, ) that I gather more, only on sharing you the most! You give people the assurance of security, the realisation that they are wanted, by the people they "love"!
We know how much we owe you. It can cost a life time to feel you, be in the place where you are, and have always been at!
Though sometimes,  we all in some stage of life or other, do come across the feeling of not having you.. Like you are there, from me, to others, but not the other way round, and that makes me question you. Why are you biased?
Why do you let some people have you to the fullest, till they abuse you existence, and, why do you create anxiousness in the lot, in aspiration of feeling you by the wind blowing across your face? Why do they rather lose hope of ever facing a windy evening?
I know, you are well aware that my next question ought to be,"why do some people get it the easy way, while some have to stumble onto the rocky path?" Yet in none of my pleading former letters to you, have you replied to my query. WHY?
It almost feels like I am in the middle of a canyon and nobody can hear me yell for help, and right when I see a chopper pass by, I LOSE MY VOICE!!!

Oh love, your filled with irony and underlined meaning. I wonder whether there is still murk under your crystal clear appearance of running water!!
Oh love, you always make me stand back when I think I may quit!!
Oh love, You make me question, whether I have shared you enough to get some of you for myself, or have I given you away so much, that now, you seem incomplete to my soul? 

                                                                       Sneha Shetty.

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