Saturday 23 April 2011

The Street Kid

Not one day passes by, when I don't see a child on the street, with the fair skin concealed with mud and dirt, that blocks his bright future from even entering his thoughts, an empty bowl with a peculiar odor that belongs to the streets of the "slum-dog" .
He walks by every person he meets... deciding whether his fate has brought him a man with a big buck or a thug with an empty pocket....
One rupee isn't the value of a beggar today! When your pocket sheds a 10... that's' when your standards are marked by a mere..'street kid'
  Intimidating.. isn't it?? being judged by the amount of charity  you offer, not for being counted in those tiny blessings... but to keep away from the little one's curses, that may , you think will harm your well being!
The touch.. so  nasty, so cunning and shrewd  that keeps instigating you to rather walk away with a stink eye, or a slap that would be satisfactory! Imagined already, ready with a hand sanitiser to keep yourself safe...
        Its often observed that the most learned ones turn out to be the foolish mob!!!! Doesn't anyone care about the streets being empty, without anyone sleeping and creating a family? Doesn't anyone know the cost of growth, that, every person must be provided with....
Progress for the street bearers is only producing one more burden on the earth.. Not  to turn every milestone in one's life...not to be successful one day and get out of the cruel grind.... but to sing a prayer or two more, and earn a little more sympathy than usual, or a dolar or two by a foreigner who is pleased to see the plight of losing nothing in the eyes of the actual citizens..the beggars!!
      "This is not my work, why should i do it?"
A question I am tired of hearing...the typical  people I am tired of meeting. Who know to crib about the crowd and the filth, but hate to clean their house with their own hands!!!!!
I hate the fact that there exists a street kid....yet I am sure of visualizing a day when the latter smiles across all your faces with a grin that pities you!!

Thursday 21 April 2011

rejoicing nature

terrace view of nature
         As the sun sets, a very different, rather , a very fey breeze blows into my face. Breathing in all the its newness, I delightfully accept the prowess of the nature that barges into me. A very serene side of the burning day light becomes a visual treat, reminding me of the most important reason to survive... TO LOVE MY LIFE AND THIS ENTIRE WORLD , FOR GIVING ME ALL THAT IT HAS!
         I go peering into the vanishing sun and drown  down in its mesmerizing beauty, that I certainly don't remember much about why it is, and how it is. The captivating scenery in the city with sky scrapers, an addition to the accessories of the sketch, instigating me, to stand on the top-most point I can, spread my arms willing to hug the world and feel all the wind passing through me!
         I get so involved with it,that I lose control over my body and soul...surrender to the soft, unspoken.. unheard music and get carried away with the wind.
         It takes me to a new world, where the sensuality of the clouds, leaves me rejuvenated, with the loveliest smile on my face! Inarticulately gets registered in my mind as the call of the universe, to love it... to take care of the nature!!

Wednesday 20 April 2011


Though I look so strong, inside & out,
if I want to cry, why is there a doubt?

I told you, I'll stand beside you, being your shade,
you know I'll be there, does that mean I don't need aid?

I have a heart too,
that weeps in a while,
my frustrations are congested,
stuffed in a pile.

I ran in search,
for your hand, your shoulder,
I screamed your name.
and my pain made it louder.
I saw you there, starring at me,
with an expression that said
"I have nothing to say"
I ran toward you,
and you vanished away
yet I waited for you,
all throughout the day.

I hoped you would come,
at least in disguise,
rescue to take me home
& I realized I want wise!

It ain't your fault, you never understood me,
I shall be blamed, for my conscience can't let it be.

I thought you would guess,
I wanted you so much, so bad,
and see my situation, that hindrances had had.

I couldn't hurt you, by saying that you hurt me.
I couldn't make you cry, by saying that you've made me cry.
even then, I cant hate you,
I don't know why, but I don't want to love you.
and now that is not a lie.

I want you to go away from me,
so that you can live yours and I can live my life,
for once I want to say it,
I don't want to be your wife.

I wanted to lay my head on your shoulder,
but failed to find it.
I wanted to pour my heart out to you,
but I couldn't see you.
I wanted you to be the reason for my smile,
and yet another time, I failed...just to smile.
I wanted our life to be an example to all
but there was no our, just you and me.
and ever since I stood up, you made sure that I fall!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

a thought for the day!

         Not as always, today was a bright cool morning, the sun threw its rays on my face, making me realize that 'its time to wake up' and discover the day coming my way, waiting for me to unveil it!!!
        I walked pass the passage at home and just felt a chill of the floor, growing into my feet that suddenly made me giggle. I wondered why, why a giggle?? and at that instant I knew, the first feeling I had this morning would only bring me a sweet memory, a memory of a smile!
       That one smile on my face, never needed to be replaced! It made me feel full of zeal and enthusiasm for the day to be unleashed. Like a beautiful adventure unfolding itself for my joy. I walked toward the next thing I had to do.. and I did not seem to have an idea about it. I didn't know, what was next in the marvelous journey I thought was waiting for me!
       I then decided to rest on my father's rocking chair, with my legs folded up, gathered with my arms, wrapped in a blanket I felt like heaven touched my feet! Sitting cozily on the chair, smiling all the way, dreaming about, what was it, that made me feel a rush through my veins and butterflies in my stomach, exciting me about nothing that special... in fact, nothing special at all...
         Call those goosebumps, excitement or simply madness, I've lately discovered in me. There is something, really beautiful  coming up for me..ON MY WAY TO LIFE!!!a

There sure ain't anything that makes me feel special, than the  thought of 'a thought' of a life so special!!!