Tuesday 19 April 2011

a thought for the day!

         Not as always, today was a bright cool morning, the sun threw its rays on my face, making me realize that 'its time to wake up' and discover the day coming my way, waiting for me to unveil it!!!
        I walked pass the passage at home and just felt a chill of the floor, growing into my feet that suddenly made me giggle. I wondered why, why a giggle?? and at that instant I knew, the first feeling I had this morning would only bring me a sweet memory, a memory of a smile!
       That one smile on my face, never needed to be replaced! It made me feel full of zeal and enthusiasm for the day to be unleashed. Like a beautiful adventure unfolding itself for my joy. I walked toward the next thing I had to do.. and I did not seem to have an idea about it. I didn't know, what was next in the marvelous journey I thought was waiting for me!
       I then decided to rest on my father's rocking chair, with my legs folded up, gathered with my arms, wrapped in a blanket I felt like heaven touched my feet! Sitting cozily on the chair, smiling all the way, dreaming about, what was it, that made me feel a rush through my veins and butterflies in my stomach, exciting me about nothing that special... in fact, nothing special at all...
         Call those goosebumps, excitement or simply madness, I've lately discovered in me. There is something, really beautiful  coming up for me..ON MY WAY TO LIFE!!!a

There sure ain't anything that makes me feel special, than the  thought of 'a thought' of a life so special!!!