Thursday 23 August 2012

Antique Love...

     A huge wooden  trunk with intricate carvings on it, is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of the word antique..  But, what reminds me of the word today, is the most amazing stage to be in love.. old age!
     That wonderful sight, looking at an old pair walking through the park, hand in hand. The look they exchange. The peace of mind reflecting in their smiles.. Its so divine!
     I wish someday we realize that those long phone calls and the dozen cups of coffee didn't make memories.. it all matters today because the person mattered then!
     I wish someday we realize that companionship is not living together, under the same roof... it means being one's shadow when darkness follows.
     I wish someday we realize that love doesn't fly out of the window with lust... it is love only if it over comes lust!
     I wish someday we realize that sharing memories after all the years is much more important than making memories and having nobody to share them with!
    I wish someday... I sit by the backyard on a rocking chair, with squinted vision, wrinkled skin, salt n peppery hair, trembling fingers and a broad smile.. looking towards the sky and thanking God.. for.. my wish came true!

Cheers to all those people who hope and believe.. that one day, next to their rocking chair, there will be somebody sitting beside them!

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Before we live our last

"We all laugh.
We all hurt.
We all make mistakes.
We all dream.
that's life, It's a journey."
A journey that begins even before we are born. But whether it ends with your last breath is dependent on only you!
If every moment you spend with your near ones throughout your life, reminds them of you even in your absence. Keeps you more alive than you were when you were still breathing. Live every moment as the next one has a link to the previous, or live it, like every moment is a new sentence, with a significant full stop. It doesn't matter what people think of you at this moment.. all that matters is.. does your thought flash at least at least once in a while in their lives? If it does... does it bring a smile on to their face?If yes again... then I guess you're immortal.. living in the thoughts of not one.. but a bunch of people whom you loved!