Thursday 6 October 2011


I often ask God, why, why don't you grant me at least somethings I want?
why don't you let me design my own life and lead myself to my destiny?
why am I so unsure about how will my tomorrow mould out?
And today, I think I've found answers to these questions.
May be because I really don't know what I want out of my life, and what I want to make out of it!
I am not even too sure of everything I've desired of.. from the college I wished to study in, to the people in my life.
One never gets an ounce more than ones rights or what one deserves. Everything gets balanced out accurately. Everything is so meaning full and simple.
Yet our thoughts and our will to have a clear idea of every scenario makes the situation like a maze, coming across to be impossible!
Now the new question is,should I let go... to hold back something better?
Or should I grip harder so that nobody can snatch anything from me?


  1. finally made a gmail account only 2 comment on ur blog...u r toooo good man! vry true!
